a href="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_dFAjrbIymCY/SjXTQwAUXfI/AAAAAAAAAwo/gNJ6Gv4jBVE/s1600-h/eggt1.jpg">

Best for tea-time with a hot coffee... hmm...
My family also love it! I am very happy and satisfy with this recipe. If you also share the same taste-bud, give this a try!!
The above pictures are taken when the egg custards are bake for 15mins. I don't wanna a "burnt" egg tart.
(Pictures Below, 2nd Version)-- As my hubby requested for a more taste of burnt, i put these 7 tarts into the oven again for another 10mins at 150C .

Tart (ingredients:)
125g butter
50g icing sugar
1/2 egg
200g superfine flour
Tart (methods:)1. Whisk butter and icing sugar until creamy and pale.2. Add in 1/2 egg spoonful by spoonful after each has fully mixed.3. Pour in the flour, and use hand to knead and form a dough. Leave it inside the frigde for 10mins....... 10mins later......4.Assembly the dough into 12 baking cups. Prick with some holes, bake at180C for 10mins.
Egg Custard (ingredients:)41/2egg (the 1/2egg is from the remaining from the tart above)300ml fresh milk100g castor sugarEgg Custard (methods:)1. Boil the fresh milk , and stir in castor sugar until dissolved. Leave cool.2.Slightly beat the eggs with fork. Strain the egg into the cool sweet milk. Stir slowly to avoid bubbles. ..... after the tart was baked for 10mins.....3.Pour the egg mixture into the tart. Bake 180C for 10mins (if you don't wanna a burnt look)OR bake 20mins (if you want a Portuguese looks) heeee........Bake 180C for 10mins, turn to 160C for another 5mins.
Thanks for your visit :)
ReplyDeleteI admire you very much for your TIRAMISU!!
Will try it one day...